Monday, June 17, 2024


 “Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” Matthew 18:18-20

Welcome to the last Monday in May 2024.

Looking at Jesus’ statement from the above scripture, it underlines the fact that this is no longer the time of Daniel, where the Prince of Persia can withhold prayer for 3 weeks. God forbid!

The answer to most of our prayers is simple faith in God. How can God answer the prayers of two doubtful people? Absolutely not! Don’t rush around looking for prayer partners, but saturate yourself with God’s Word and faith in it, and you will  do exploits.

How can we just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and heaven will seal it?

Heaven brings to earth what the inhabitants themselves want. It is an eternal truth that Heaven comes your way when you mix.

Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed black slaves in the US and worldwide. Do you know that for a long time, many black people born into slavery didn’t believe that freedom could come in their lifetime?

What do you say, despite what you see?

As a first-year student, I was walking past the popular Akintola Hall in Great Ife and met an old friend who didn’t know much about my light. He told me, “Welcome to Great Ife where you will spend at least a year or more extra”. I didn’t waste time telling him that I would not spend an extra day in Ife. I told him that I would graduate as scheduled, which was a ‘no’ to an extra semester or ‘carry-over’ as they used to call it.

As God will have it in the history of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, my set was the only set mobilised for the NYSC programme without second semester results, the facts speak for themselves (Res Ipsa Loquitur)!

I said no to an extra year and heaven confirmed and sealed it.

Just recently when the world was invaded by COVID-19, I didn’t know much about the symptoms and I flew from Kotoka International Airport Accra to Abuja and sat behind a passenger who coughed all the way through the 2-hour flight.

The day after we arrived, there was a lockdown, and I started reading about the symptoms of this strange virus. Amazingly, I concluded that the passenger in front of me was infected, and because I didn’t wear a face mask, the devil told me that I was infected and that my family and church members close to me would be infected.

I am not bragging here, but if I have anything to brag about, it is God’s word. I didn’t even give the devil a chance. I just told God that I would not be infected, and I say no to COVID-19 and yes to Exodus 15:26 and 3 John 2. You can read these passages. Today, after the millions of people who died from the virus, how come some people were not infected and others died? Food for thought.

In addition, at the moment, the world is etching towards the end of this age, and many people are falling away from the faith.

Firstly, to the young people reading this nugget, please build yourself up spiritually and don’t rely on the fabled theory that you will marry a spouse who will build you up spiritually. He or she is not the Holy Spirit and you have been commanded in the book of Jude 20 to build yourself up in your most holy faith.

After you have built yourself up, you will attract your own kind. Just because I served God so much and didn’t bother to pray about marriage, and I know when God is speaking, one day I was coming back from a meeting and a young, beautiful lady that I first met as a Youth Corper was coming back from her church, and the Lord spoke to my heart to look up and see that lady, that she was my wife. 6 months later, we officially started our courtship, and 15 months later, we were married and still together after 21 years.

I can agree with her on everything today because we both built our faith separately before we met. Like begets like!

Finally, before you start saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ globally, start personally.

I agree with you now that whatever you are going through will surely turn out for your good in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

Until I come your way again via his platform next week, stay blessed.

If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you may kindly repeat this confession after me.

‘Lord Jesus, I come to you today and I repent from all my sins. Blot out my name from the book of death and write my name in the book of Life. I accept You into my life, be my Lord and Saviour. Give me the Holy Spirit to guide and guard me from today henceforth. Thank You for making me your child in Jesus’ name, Amen.’

Meet us every Saturday by 5pm for our live broadcast tagged Voice of Power on INDEPENDENT Radio 89.7Fm Abuja or download Radio Garden app from anywhere in the world and listen to us.

God bless you.


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